Elena Agrici

Elena is Expansion Manager at Frisbo efulfillment Moldova - Europe's efulfillment solution matching online stores with a network of trusted fulfillment operators & smart logistics providers. Frisbo's developed solution help sellers deliver orders to their customers cheaper, faster, and easier, making ecommerce truly borderless. Elena has 13 years of experience in the IT sector with background in designing and developing digital solutions and IT products.

Ecommerce Asociation

The Macedonian e-Commerce Association is the first and only association that aims at inclusive e-commerce. Our mission is to create a future for e-commerce development and the success of the country. Macedonian E-commerce Association aims to support the interests of e-commerce companies, to contribute to the expansion of e-commerce knowledge and its expansion including related services and technologies, and to reduce and eliminate barriers that restrict the growth and development of the industry. We believe that the future for a better Macedonia lies in a digital Macedonia and smart society, and e-commerce is an integral part of such a society.

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