Steffen Hudolin

Steffen Hudolin is the Head of Cooperation in the Delegation of the European Union to North Macedonia. His responsibilities are centered around the financial support to the country’s EU integration path and the oversight of its impact and achievements in the reform process.

Hudolin has served two diplomatic mandates in Serbia, also as a member of the EU Delegation, dealing with EU legal and financial matters. In between those two mandates, he was the Policy and Financial Coordinator in the Serbia unit of the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement in Brussels.

Before starting his diplomatic career in the Western Balkans in 2004 in Bosnia and Hercegovina, Steffen became an official of the European Commission as the Director-General for Economics and Finances in Luxembourg.

Hudolin did his first degree in Economics and Finances in 1995, followed by a Master of Laws in European Integration in 2012. He is fluent in German, English, and Serbian. Steffen and his wife Maria live in Skopje with their four children.

Ecommerce Asociation

The Macedonian e-Commerce Association is the first and only association that aims at inclusive e-commerce. Our mission is to create a future for e-commerce development and the success of the country. Macedonian E-commerce Association aims to support the interests of e-commerce companies, to contribute to the expansion of e-commerce knowledge and its expansion including related services and technologies, and to reduce and eliminate barriers that restrict the growth and development of the industry. We believe that the future for a better Macedonia lies in a digital Macedonia and smart society, and e-commerce is an integral part of such a society.

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