Ermin Brkic

Ermin has earned a Bachelor's and MBA degree in the USA in the field of macroeconomics and finance. He started his e-commerce career 8 years ago in the OLX group, more precisely in the leading buying and selling platform in Bosnia and Herzegovina,, in the position of CFO, where he gained experience in the e-commerce ecosystem in financial and operational activities. Today, in addition to his current occupation, he also works as a business developer for In addition, he is very proud of his involvement in the company, where he holds the position of CEO. He enjoys the dynamics and challenges that this industry provides every day.

Ecommerce Asociation

The Macedonian e-Commerce Association is the first and only association that aims at inclusive e-commerce. Our mission is to create a future for e-commerce development and the success of the country. Macedonian E-commerce Association aims to support the interests of e-commerce companies, to contribute to the expansion of e-commerce knowledge and its expansion including related services and technologies, and to reduce and eliminate barriers that restrict the growth and development of the industry. We believe that the future for a better Macedonia lies in a digital Macedonia and smart society, and e-commerce is an integral part of such a society.

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