Stefan Kovačević

Global Digital Shelf Lead

Stefan is an experienced sales and marketing professional with a strong background in digital marketing, media and eCommerce. He started his career at Mastercard Canada, where he played a key role in developing their first online direct-to-consumer cardholder program “Priceless Toronto” and implementing two-click payment checkout for their top 20 online retail partners.

He later joined Nestlé Canada, where he focused on driving awareness and conversion for all 8 key categories through retail digital media at Amazon Advertising and Walmart Media Group.

In 2021, he moved to the Nestlé headquarters in Switzerland to join the Global Sales team helping develop the Global eCommerce Acceleration program, embedding the overall strategy and framework to the top 20 eCommerce markets worldwide.

Currently based in Barcelona, Stefan serves as the Global eCommerce Digital Shelf Lead, leveraging data and technology to bring categories, and brands to life on the digital shelf through content, retail search, and retail digital media.

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