Branko Greganović is the chairman of the Management Board of NLB Banka Skopje. Greganović has a degree in economics and two defended master’s theses, one in economics at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana, the other in management at the London Business School, and more than 30 years of regional and international experience in the banking, corporate and public sectors. The beginnings of his career are tied to work in state institutions, in the Central Bank of Slovenia, and later in the Ministry of Finance, where from the position of state undersecretary he is also in charge of managing public debts and state guarantees. Towards the end of the 90s, Greganović moved into the private sector. After years spent in leading positions at Societe Generale Bank Slovenija, Hippo Alpe-Adria Banka in Austria, the Droga Kolinska Group, but also as an independent advisor in the field of corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, and financial restructuring, in 2014 Greganović became the head of NLB Bank in Belgrade, where he held the position of Chairman of the Management Board for seven years. Under his leadership, NLB Bank Belgrade, from a bank with unprofitable operations, grew into a profitable and recognized financial institution with an accelerated annual growth of 15 to 20 percent. Such results of NLB Group on the Serbian market pave the way for the acquisition of one of the leading Serbian banks – Komercijalna Banka Belgrade, in December 2020.