Scott Rafer

After 20+ years running software startups, Scott Rafer is creating innovation partnerships between a bunch of great startups in ecommerce, logistics, and content and the incumbents across the world who must learn to compete with Amazon, Alibaba, and Tencent/JD/Walmart. Those three internet giants are deploying Machine Learning systems across their consumer-facing infrastructures and Transpacific supply chains that will further accelerate their growth. Their own methods must be used to compete against them and soon.

Rafer is also co-founder, director, and/or board observer at Mashery (acquired by Intel), MyBlogLog (acquired by Yahoo!),, Shiphawk, Shippabo, Nanigans, Newswhip, ShopPad, and Zemanta (acquired by Outbrain). Check out, @rafer of you are a founder, read the VC Idiot Tests on

The Talk Synopsis:

Rafer is going to speak about ecommerce within markets like North Macedonia and its proximity/participation in the supply chains between Asia and Europe. The ecommerce giants that are driving the larger markets care a lot about the stops along the way and must be faced with partners and local expertise.

How the New Silk Road is impacting the economies in the Balkans? How can local players thrive and compete?

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